/*! ET frontend-builder-global-functions.js */ (function($){ window.et_pb_smooth_scroll = function( $target, $top_section, speed, easing ) { var $window_width = $( window ).width(); if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_fixed_nav' ) && $window_width > 980 ) { $menu_offset = $( '#top-header' ).outerHeight() + $( '#main-header' ).outerHeight() - 1; } else { $menu_offset = -1; } if ( $ ('#wpadminbar').length && $window_width > 600 ) { $menu_offset += $( '#wpadminbar' ).outerHeight(); } //fix sidenav scroll to top if ( $top_section ) { $scroll_position = 0; } else { $scroll_position = $target.offset().top - $menu_offset; } // set swing (animate's scrollTop default) as default value if( typeof easing === 'undefined' ){ easing = 'swing'; } $( 'html, body' ).animate( { scrollTop : $scroll_position }, speed, easing ); } window.et_pb_form_placeholders_init = function( $form ) { $form.find('input:text, input[type="email"], input[type="url"], textarea').each(function(index,domEle){ var $et_current_input = jQuery(domEle), $et_comment_label = $et_current_input.siblings('label'), et_comment_label_value = $et_current_input.siblings('label').text(); if ( $et_comment_label.length ) { $et_comment_label.hide(); if ( $et_current_input.siblings('span.required') ) { et_comment_label_value += $et_current_input.siblings('span.required').text(); $et_current_input.siblings('span.required').hide(); } $et_current_input.val(et_comment_label_value); } }).bind('focus',function(){ var et_label_text = jQuery(this).siblings('label').text(); if ( jQuery(this).siblings('span.required').length ) et_label_text += jQuery(this).siblings('span.required').text(); if (jQuery(this).val() === et_label_text) jQuery(this).val(""); }).bind('blur',function(){ var et_label_text = jQuery(this).siblings('label').text(); if ( jQuery(this).siblings('span.required').length ) et_label_text += jQuery(this).siblings('span.required').text(); if (jQuery(this).val() === "") jQuery(this).val( et_label_text ); }); } window.et_duplicate_menu = function( menu, append_to, menu_id, menu_class, menu_click_event ){ append_to.each( function() { var $this_menu = $(this), $cloned_nav; // make this function work with existing menus, without cloning if ( '' !== menu ) { menu.clone().attr('id',menu_id).removeClass().attr('class',menu_class).appendTo( $this_menu ); } $cloned_nav = $this_menu.find('> ul'); $cloned_nav.find('.menu_slide').remove(); $cloned_nav.find('li:first').addClass('et_first_mobile_item'); $cloned_nav.find( 'a' ).on( 'click', function(){ $(this).parents( '.et_mobile_menu' ).siblings( '.mobile_menu_bar' ).trigger( 'click' ); } ); if ( 'no_click_event' !== menu_click_event ) { $this_menu.on( 'click', '.mobile_menu_bar', function(){ if ( $this_menu.hasClass('closed') ){ $this_menu.removeClass( 'closed' ).addClass( 'opened' ); $cloned_nav.stop().slideDown( 500 ); } else { $this_menu.removeClass( 'opened' ).addClass( 'closed' ); $cloned_nav.stop().slideUp( 500 ); } return false; } ); } } ); $('#mobile_menu .centered-inline-logo-wrap').remove(); } // remove placeholder text before form submission window.et_pb_remove_placeholder_text = function( $form ) { $form.find('input:text, textarea').each(function(index,domEle){ var $et_current_input = jQuery(domEle), $et_label = $et_current_input.siblings('label'), et_label_value = $et_current_input.siblings('label').text(); if ( $et_label.length && $et_label.is(':hidden') ) { if ( $et_label.text() == $et_current_input.val() ) $et_current_input.val( '' ); } }); } window.et_fix_fullscreen_section = function() { var $et_window = $(window); $( 'section.et_pb_fullscreen' ).each( function(){ var $this_section = $( this ); $.proxy( et_calc_fullscreen_section, $this_section )(); $et_window.on( 'resize', $.proxy( et_calc_fullscreen_section, $this_section ) ); }); } window.et_bar_counters_init = function( $bar_item ) { if ( ! $bar_item.length ) { return; } var $bar_container = $bar_item.closest( '.et_pb_counter_container' ), bar_item_width = $bar_item.attr( 'data-width' ), bar_item_padding = Math.ceil( parseFloat( $bar_item.css('paddingLeft') ) ) + Math.ceil( parseFloat( $bar_item.css('paddingRight') ) ), $bar_item_text = $bar_item.children( '.et_pb_counter_amount_number' ), calculated_width = ( $bar_container.width() - $bar_item_text.innerWidth() ) / 100 * parseFloat( bar_item_width ), bar_item_text_width = calculated_width + $bar_item_text.innerWidth(); $bar_item.css({ 'width' : bar_item_text_width }); } window.et_fix_pricing_currency_position = function( $pricing_table ) { var $all_pricing_tables = typeof $pricing_table !== 'undefined' ? $pricing_table : $( '.et_pb_pricing_table' ); if ( ! $all_pricing_tables.length ) { return; } $all_pricing_tables.each( function() { var $this_table = $( this ), $price_container = $this_table.find( '.et_pb_et_price' ), $currency = $price_container.length ? $price_container.find( '.et_pb_dollar_sign' ) : false, $price = $price_container.length ? $price_container.find( '.et_pb_sum' ) : false; if ( ! $currency || ! $price ) { return; } // adjust the margin of currency sign to make sure it doesn't overflow the price $currency.css( { 'marginLeft' : - $currency.width() + 'px' } ); }); } window.et_pb_set_responsive_grid = function( $grid_items_container, single_item_selector ) { setTimeout( function() { var container_width = $grid_items_container.innerWidth(), $grid_items = $grid_items_container.find( single_item_selector ), item_width = $grid_items.outerWidth( true ), last_item_margin = item_width - $grid_items.outerWidth(), columns_count = Math.round( ( container_width + last_item_margin ) / item_width ), counter = 1, first_in_row = 1; $grid_items.removeClass( 'last_in_row first_in_row' ); $grid_items.filter(':visible').each( function() { var $this_el = $( this ); if ( ! $this_el.hasClass( 'inactive' ) ) { if ( first_in_row === counter ) { $this_el.addClass( 'first_in_row' ); } if ( 0 === counter % columns_count ) { $this_el.addClass( 'last_in_row' ); first_in_row = counter + 1; } counter++; } }); }, 1 ); // need this timeout to make sure all the css applied before calculating sizes }; window.et_pb_set_tabs_height = function( $tabs_module ) { if ( typeof $tabs_module === 'undefined' ) { $tabs_module = $( '.et_pb_tabs' ); } if ( ! $tabs_module.length ) { return; } $tabs_module.each( function() { var $tab_controls = $( this ).find( '.et_pb_tabs_controls' ); var $all_tabs = $tab_controls.find( 'li' ); var max_height = 0; var small_columns = '.et_pb_column_1_3, .et_pb_column_1_4, .et_pb_column_3_8'; var in_small_column = $( this ).parents( small_columns ).length > 0; var on_small_screen = parseFloat( $( window ).width() ) < 768; var vertically_stacked = in_small_column || on_small_screen; if ( vertically_stacked ) { $( this ).addClass( 'et_pb_tabs_vertically_stacked' ); } // determine the height of the tallest tab if ( $all_tabs.length ) { // remove the height attribute if it was added to calculate the height correctly $tab_controls.removeAttr( 'style' ); $all_tabs.each( function() { var tab_height = $( this ).outerHeight(); if ( vertically_stacked ) { return; } if ( tab_height > max_height ) { max_height = tab_height; } }); } if ( 0 !== max_height ) { // set the height of tabs container based on the height of the tallest tab $tab_controls.css( 'min-height', max_height ); } }); } window.et_pb_box_shadow_apply_overlay = function (el) { var pointerEventsSupport = document.body.style.pointerEvents !== undefined && //For some reasons IE 10 tells that supports pointer-events, but it doesn't (document.documentMode === undefined || document.documentMode >= 11); if (pointerEventsSupport) { $(el).each(function () { if (! $(this).children('.box-shadow-overlay').length) { $(this) .addClass('has-box-shadow-overlay') .prepend('
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